

Hi! I'm The VO Opossum (aka Kelsey Painter, Voice Actor). so, Why the VO Opossum? Well, just like opossums; I'm a little out in left field, a little strange and kooky, but I'm great for the environment (aka your project) and when I get scared I just play dead! hmmm…Okay forget about that last part; the real truth is that I bring sparkle and grit to every character I voice, regardless of size, shape, or galactic origin.

Drawing on my background in professional theatre, I strive for nuance and depth in every script that comes my way. With barrels of delighted clients that return time and time again for my swift, agile deliveries; I'm primed and pumped to tackle any script you can throw at me.

So let's take a trip out into left field together and hit it out of the park!

I am experienced in:

  • Animation

  • interactive

  • Mocap

  • ADR (animation and live action)

  • Commercial

  • E-learning

  • corporate

  • Audio drama

Character types in my wheelhouse include:

  • Baby (any gender)

  • Child (any gender)

  • Teen (female)

  • Young adult (female)

  • Middle aged (female)

  • Senior (female)

  • Monsters/creatures

Accents include:

  • American:

    • Standard/neutral

    • baltimore/Dundalk

    • Deep South

    • Appalachian

    • midwest

    • general New York/new jersey

  • International:

    • Trans-Atlantic (traditional)

    • British RP

    • general Scottish

    • general Irish

    • general Australian

I record in a professional studio in my home, meaning I’ve only got a 30-second commute between me and your script!

When not in the recording booth I enjoy gaming, legos, and spoiling my cat, zelda.

Thanks for stopping by!